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Article From & Read More ( Grassy, herbal and sweet: How peas on toast is edging out avocados for brunch - The Guardian )
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Article From & Read More ( 10 basic but beaut barbecue recipes to cook this long weekend - Sydney Morning Herald )
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Article From & Read More ( Cracking! 17 deeply comforting fried egg recipes - from breakfast to a spaghetti surprise - The Guardian )
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Article From & Read More ( Digital recipe marketplace CookX Asia extends partnership with Lost Food Project to donate 1,000 recipe ecopacks - Malay Mail )
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Article From & Read More ( How to host a dinner party like Bao's Erchen Chang — recipes and tips - Financial Times )
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Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
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Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
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Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
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Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.
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Article From & Read More ( It’s easy to get stuck in a recipe rut. I’m going to cook a new dish every fortnight. Well, newish - The Guardian )
10 superfoods that help boost eyesight Recipes Article From & Read More ( 10 superfoods that help boost eyesight - Recipes )
A rich and creamy beginning to an elaborate meal, chicken soup can elevate your moods and appetite in no time. It's a delicious, mild blend that helps you power your bones, help your immune system and weight loss regime and even the right pick if you are down with a fever. Serve it with a crusty bread or even as itself, and your day is made. Here's the recipe:
Ingredients 200 grams chicken
1 tablespoon ‘maida’ (refined flour)
¼ teaspoon + ¼ teaspoon pepper powder
¼ teaspoon + ¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup water
2 tablespoons spring onion
2 cups milk
2 cloves garlic
Preparation Put the chicken, ¼ teaspoon pepper powder, ¼ teaspoon salt and ½ cup water in a pressure cooker and boil on a low flame for up to two whistles
When the items cool down, take out the chicken from the cooker and cut it into small pieces
Take a saucepan, heat it and add butter
Keep the flame low, otherwise, the butter will be burnt
Add maida to and sauté for five minutes
Next, add milk, stir and allow the mixture to cook till it becomes mildly firm
Add chicken pieces, finely chopped garlic and chicken stock
Continue to cook on low flame until it achieves the consistency you prefer
Add spring onion and switch off the flame
Keep the vessel closed for 5 to 10 minutes before serving the tasty creamy chicken soup
Article From & Read More ( Lip-smacking chicken soup: A warm bowl of comfort food | Recipe | Onmanorama - Onmanorama )
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Saute your favourite vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and snow peas in a non-stick pan with a little water or vegetable broth and season with soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. Enjoy this healthy dish in dinner with some grilled tofu or fish.
I made the minestrone recipe from a Blue Zone region linked to a longer, healthier life.
The soup is healthy, delicious, and simple to make, but takes a little prep time.
It's nutritious, full of protein and fiber, and I'll definitely add it to my recipe rotation.
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Soup isn't just a great recipe for chilly autumn days — it could also be an evidence-based way to live a longer life, according to a longevity researcher.
While it takes a while to make, it's not a difficult recipe, and I ended up with a hearty and healthy meal I couldn't stop eating.
The recipe is time consuming, but easy and worth the prep work
Blue Zones cuisines are known for featuring vegetables as the main star of a meal.
The minestrone calls for a lot of veggies — chopping them all and cleaning up took about 45 minutes and I got through about half of the 2023 camp hit "Cocaine Bear" ("based on a true story!") while doing so.
All the ingredients for minestrone soup, or about half a B movie worth of prep work.Gabby Landsverk
I'll admit, I measured the garlic with my heart instead of a teaspoon. Then, I mixed in the basil, parsley, and fennel and the soup started to smell delicious.
Once everything was in the pot, I had about 90 minutes to make another cup of coffee and get through some emails and other work stuff. As it was simmering, my partner repeatedly walked through the kitchen to ask what I was making and when we could eat. Only another hour to wait!
When I added the pasta (couscous, since I couldn't find fregula), I could see the soup was already beginning to thicken as the veggies cooked down. Per the recipe tip, I also added some bonus veggies in the form of zucchini from the farmer's market and spinach that was getting lonely at the back of my fridge.
It's all coming together.Gabby Landsverk
By the time the minestrone soup was ready, I was super excited to dig in, and opted to serve it with extra basil, the olive oil suggested in the recipe, and romano cheese (which I also measure with my heart, because cheese is important).
After the first bite, it was clear that this soup absolutely slaps, to use a technical term from science journalism. It's complex, with a deep richness from the beans, tomatoes, and root vegetables, while maintaining a beautiful fresh flavor from the herbs. I would not be mad to eat this soup every day for lunch, if anyone would like to support my move to Sardinia right away.
Good soup.Gabby Landsverk
As a nutrition nerd, I'm also happy with the nutrients in the dish, since it's full of fiber and protein from the beans, and tons of vitamins from all the veggies.
The soup is a great example of how to make vegetables taste delicious, particularly for people without a lot of cooking experience, since there's a good balance of aromatics and seasonings included in the recipe.
Minestrone pairs well with other longevity staples like wine
I enjoyed my soup with a piece of bread, because I love carbs and because, like Buettner, I'm from Minnesota and therefore firmly believe bread goes with every meal.
I opted for sourdough, another staple in Sardinian kitchens, to stay on theme. Sourdough is also more nutritious than other types of bread and less likely to spike blood sugar levels because of the fermentation process.
Gratuitous bread pic.pidjoe/Getty Images
The flavorful, herbaceous soup would have been great with a glass of wine, and research suggests drinking wine in moderation can be healthy, especially with a good meal. I did not test this hypothesis since it was early afternoon on a workday (but mostly because I was out of wine).
I'd recommend the recipe to anyone trying to eat more veggies, and it's great for beginners
If you're looking for an easy way to make healthy, plant-based meals without a lot of kitchen experience, this minestrone is a good starting point.
It does take a bit of a time investment up front in prepping the veggies, but the payoff is a healthy meal for a large group (or enough leftovers for several days).
If I made this recipe again, I would use canned beans which are just as healthy and more convenient than dried, according to registered dietitian Bonnie Taub-Dix. I had to plan ahead by soaking the beans overnight
Dried beans are a pain to prepare and I prefer canned.Gabby Landsverk
I'd also double the amount of beans, since I'm a hungry person and eat a lot to support my fitness habits. The recipe said it serves up to 10 people, but that's about six portions for gym rats.
Overall, the minestrone feels like a win, and I'll definitely add it to my cold weather recipe rotation. I can't tell if I'm any healthier after eating it, but it beats the hell out of other longevity strategies like $2 million dollar daily routines or infusions of teenager blood.
"Babe, I f***ing love this soup," my partner said.
Article From & Read More ( Blue Zones minestrone recipe is delicious, full of longevity-boosting foods - Insider )
To make this dish, crumble tofu and saute with your favourite veggies, and nutritional yeast, and season with salt, black pepper and red chilli flakes, if you like. Enjoy this hearty scramble for breakfast that’s super rich in protein.
One thing I love about holidays in Spain are the long, leisurely lunches. I’ll work my way through a menúdel día, and nine times out of 10 there’ll be a crema catalana for dessert, a simple custard pudding scented with cinnamon and citrus. It is, of course, very similar to creme brulee, the main differences being that crema catalana is thickened with cornflour and isn’t baked, making it a little more forgiving and much quicker to prepare.
Crema catalana
Prep 5 min
Infuse 20 min
Cook 30 min
Chill 3 hr+
Makes 4
550ml milk
1 cinnamon stick
Pared zest of ½orange
Pared zest of 1lemon
1 tspvanilla bean paste
A pinch of salt
6 egg yolks
80g caster sugar, plus extra to finish 2 tbsp cornflour
Pour the milk into a small saucepan, add the cinnamon stick, orange and lemon peel, the vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Put on a gentle heat until hot and steaming, but not bubbling. Take off the heat, pour into a bowl, cover and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain the milk back into the saucepan and discard the aromatics.
Reheat the milk until hot but not boiling. Put the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl and whisk smooth. Whisk the hot milk into the egg bowl a little at a time, then pour back into the saucepan and cook, stirring continuously, over a low-medium heat. Once the custard thickens enough to coat the back of the spoon and starts to bubble a little, pour it through a sieve into four ramekins.
Lay a circle of greaseproof paper or clingfilm directly on the surface of each custard and set aside to cool to room temperature. Transfer to the fridge and chill for three to four hours, until set.
To serve, sprinkle the tops with caster sugar and put under a hot grill (or use a blowtorch), to caramelise the tops.
Rosh Hashanah—or the Jewish New Year—is upon us, which means it's time to gather with friends and family, get ready for a new year and enjoy some deliciously festive dishes.
Our go-to gal when it comes to holiday entertainment is Ina Garten, of course—the Barefoot Contessa star and cookbook author is always sharing tips for hosting a crowd and menu ideas for the celebrants among us. This year, Ina is making the year to come seem more exciting than ever with her simple but tasty Rosh Hashanah menu.
Ina took to Instagram this week to share the collection of five recipes, which includes matzo ball soup, brisket, roasted veggies and more.
"Even if you didn't grow up celebrating the Jewish New Year, these classic recipes are still so comforting and delicious," Ina wrote.
Like so many of our favorite Ina holiday menus, many of this recipes can be partly made ahead. That means you won't have to stress over the dessert, bread, soup or even the brisket on the day of your get-together. All you'll need to worry about is heating everything up, roasting some veggies and topping up everyone's glass.
Here are the five recipes you'll want to master for a very Ina Rosh Hashanah.
Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Images
Chicken Soup with Matzo Balls
It's no surprise that this menu includes Ina's homemade matzo ball soup recipe, which she's recommended for Passover menus in the past. On her website, Ina says this recipe demands an intermediate skill level, and she's not wrong. Though chicken soup may sound simple, Ina makes hers from scratch, starting with three roasting chickens and lots of veggies and aromatics in a stockpot.
For those operating in a smaller kitchen—or folks who just don't want to make stock from scratch—you could always buy good chicken stock at the store and skip ahead to her matzo ball-making instructions. No matter how you make it, it will be a great way to welcome soup season.
Plus, you can make this soup the day before your event. Just store the soup in the fridge and store the matzo balls separately, wrapped in chicken stock–soaked paper towels.
The highest praise an Ina Garten recipe can receive is the Jeffrey Garten seal of approval. This holiday menu has a couple of Jeffrey's favorites on offer, including Ina's challah.
"Challah was one of the first things I ever made for him after we were married," Ina shared on Instagram. "It sounds complicated, but if you follow it step by step, you'll have a beautiful homemade Challah!"
For folks who don't often bake bread, the prettily braided Homemade Challah with Saffron might be intimidating. But Ina's recipe is easy enough that fans rolled into the comment section to salute her for keeping it simple. "Your challah is so easy to make," one commenter wrote. "I felt like a superstar when it came out so beautifully!"
Like the soup, the challah is perfect as a make-ahead option. You can make it one or two days in advance, allow it to cool, then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate it.
Since challah is made with butter, this menu is not kosher. You can make it with margarine.
Brisket with Onions and Leeks
This recipe is another Passover standard for Ina, but now it takes center stage in the Rosh Hashanah menu. This hearty brisket recipe serves eight, which makes it perfect for a big get-together with friends and family. Ina calls for about 6 pounds of brisket in this recipe, but you could opt for a larger cut of meat if you're feeding a large crowd—just be mindful as you make adjustments to the cook time and temperature. The onions and leeks that cook alongside the beef will add tremendous flavor *and* make a delicious built-in side dish.
Like the challah, this recipe comes from Ina's book Cooking for Jeffrey, so you know it's a family favorite in the Garten house. You can even make this dish up to two days in advance. Just slice the meat and add it back to the tray—with foil on top, of course—before reheating.
Orange-Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Well, you can't make *everything* in advance, but we think these deliciously sweet roasted veggies earn their day-of oven timeslot. Ina's citrusy roasted carrots are may be simple, but they offer a gourmet-quality counterbalance to the savory beef and onions from the brisket. Your guests—and your tastebuds—will be thrilled to have them on the same plate. We also think our Balsamic Oven-Roasted Carrots would be a delicious option to add similar tangy and sweet flavors.
The rainbow carrots make for a beautiful presentation in this recipe, but don't stress about locating some if your local store is out—basic orange carrots will suit either recipe just fine.
Bourbon Honey Cake
Ina never suggests a menu without a fun and flavorful dessert, and this one might just take the cake. According to Ina, Jeffrey "loves this cake," and he's definitely not alone. Plenty of commenters chimed in with cake compliments and promises that this simple sweet would be on their to-make list.
The cake will surely be a favorite of folks who love the warm spices of fall—allspice, ginger, cloves and cinnamon are among the flavoring agents in this cake, which also includes orange zest, vanilla and, of course, good quality bourbon. Follow Ina's instructions and make it a day ahead, wrapping it in plastic and storing it at room temperature.
Article From & Read More ( Ina Garten Just Shared Her Delicious Jewish New Year Menu—Plus Make-Ahead Tips - EatingWell )